Simplicity patterns

River Patterns

Rivers are a lifeline for any society and a powerful source of inspiration for poets and writers. Savor these beautiful river quotes to understand how much wisdom a river holds in its water as it flows from one place to another and also gain insight into the emotional attachment man shares with the river.

Bubble-net pattern

Bubble-net feeding is a unique and complex feeding behavior engaged in by humpback whales and Bryde’s whales. It is one of the few surface feeding behaviors that humpback whales are known to engage in. This type of feeding is often done in groups


Mount Koya (高野山, Kōyasan) is the center of Shingon Buddhism. An important Buddhist sect which was introduced to Japan in 805 by Kobo Daishi. Also known as Kukai, one of Japan’s most significant religious figures. A small, secluded temple town has developed around the sect’s headquarters that Kobo Daishi built on Koyasan’s wooded mountaintop. It… Read More 高野山